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Tips From the Connector Backside

Starting from the point that the SC is an industry-standard connector, everyone knows that it is standardized on the connection point, meaning that all other areas like the inner housing, ferrule size and ferrule shape, housing color, backside, and strain relief boot are custom to the manufacturer.
From Our FOC Tips Series:
Backside: Traditionally SC connectors were accommodated with 3-3.5mm OD cable to withstand the IEC/Telcordia cable pull tests.
With the introduction of the smaller LC connector, which accommodates typically smaller OD’s like 2.0 or 1.6mm, the SC connector needed by many manufacturers a re-design to accept 1.6/2.0mm cables.
A critical eye on the backside design is needed to match it with the right cable manufacturer, taking the jacket thickness and the amount of Kevlar into consideration.
READ FULL BLOG ARTICLE HERE: Changing your connector supplier