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The VIAVI SmartOTDR features an increased dynamic range of 37/35dB at 1310/1550nm wavelengths. It includes an integrated on-board visual fault locator (VFL) and optical power meter (OPM). PON optimized to test through a 1x128 splitter, this lightweight fiber tester is used for point-to-point access and metro fiber networks characterization, OTDR measurements, optical loss testing, macrobend detection and visual fault location. Use with a VIAVI fiber microscope and the included inspection software to evaluate the condition of connector end faces and fully doucment installs. It has a 5" high-visibility outdoor touchscreen, 10,000 OTDR traces storage, and SC/APC connector. With 3G/4G connectivity via USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi you can easily share measurement reports in PDF.

The SmartOTDR Pro test kit includes a hands-free soft case with neck strap, stylus for capacitive touch screen, rechargeable lithium-polymer battery (up to 20 hours of operation), Smart TEST OTDR App, and Expert OTDR App

VIAVI SmartOTDR PRO Single-mode OTDR

5 289,00$Pris
  • Typically 2-4 Weeks ARO

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