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Can Your Front Line Talk Fiber Optics?

Light Brigade

Optical Time Domain Reflectometer is a mouthful and a crucial component to understand for anyone working in fiber optics. Yet many sales representatives and support staff fumble over OTDR along with other basic principles of fiber optics when interacting with customers. Employees, especially new hires, frequently rely on inconsistent on-the-fly training to grasp the basics of fiber optics. Second-guessing, asking for help over a cubicle wall, or telling customers “they will get back to them” has a detrimental effect on employees and makes customers wonder if your company really understands the industry. What if there was a cost-effective and convenient way to enable your employees to be conversant in fiber? There is – Light Brigade’s online training courses. Just like instructor-led training, our online courses were created with 30 plus years of industry expertise and the real-world experience of our expert instructors. Without ever leaving the office, your team can quickly get up to speed on the principles of fiber optics with Light Brigade’s online training programs. Fiber Foundations, perfect for those new to fiber, this interactive online course is the ideal first step into fiber optics for anyone new to the industry. With a minimal time investment (one to two hours) students gain a solid understanding of fiber concepts and terminology. Online Recorded Training Sessions are designed to help technicians, engineers, project managers, and sales and marketing professionals understand how fiber technology is applied in the real world. Empower your workforce to confidently speak about fiber optics by investing in Light Brigade’s trusted, cost-effective and convenient online training.

Email: Call: (800) 451-7128


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