Considerations Regarding Freezing Epoxy – Implementing Process Adjustment

There are a total of eight tips and considerations regarding freezing epoxy in FOC’s blog article, Ideas to adjust your epoxy process: Recommendations to reduce waste (and save money) in your fiber optic cable assembly process.
Here is an important one to highlight:
Implementing this process adjustment – freezing unused epoxy – does require an initial investment of time and money. You’ll want to adjust your process, train your operators, buy additional syringes, and purchase a freezer if you don’t have access to one. (Fiber Optic Center can help you locate one.) While an up-front investment is required, you can realize cost savings over the long run – and you may discover a better process that results in better-quality products.
READ FULL BLOG ARTICLE HERE: Ideas to adjust your epoxy process: Recommendations to reduce waste (and save money) in your fiber optic cable assembly process